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Nearly four in five Russians trust Putin, poll reveals

MOSCOW, August 23. /TASS/. The level of trust in Russian President Vladimir Putin among Russians has decreased by 2 percentage points to 78%, says a poll conducted by the Public Opinion Foundation (FOM) between August 16 and 18, surveying 1,500 adults.
“When asked if they trusted Putin, 78% of the poll’s participants said ‘yes’ (a 2 p.p. drop). Also, the majority of the population, or 79%, approves of the way the president is running the country (a 1 p.p. decrease),” the pollster said.
A total of 52% of those polled said they approved of how the Russian government was handling its job (no change), while 56% approve of Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin’s job performance (a 2 p.p. drop).
The level of popular support for the ruling United Russia party stood at 45% (a 1 p.p. rise). The level of support dropped by 2 p.p. to 7% for the CPRF. For the LDPR, it stands at 10% (a 1 p.p. rise). A Just Russia-For Truth enjoys popular support of 3% (no change). Support for the New People party also stands at 3% (no change).
